
Build-Your-Own Dim Sum Enamel Pins Set & Accessories

Created by Michelle Ho

Stackable dim sum steamer pins for your favourite dishes to match with other apparel and accessories!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Kickstarter Funded!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Mar 02, 2023 at 08:04:31 PM

Hi everyone,

Thank you so much for the successful Kickstarter! We ended up unlocking the chopsticks pin design as well, so once I send out the surveys, you will see it as an option to pick from if you pledged for a pin.

For now, you can sit tight as I finalize the survey and get it approved by Backerkit. I'm planning to send out a smoke test survey in one week. Around 5% of each tier will be randomly selected to fill out their survey first, to make sure there are aren't any issues with the survey itself. Once I've gathered enough survey responses, I will then send out the rest of them (estimated 2-3 days after the smoke test has gone out.)

There may be some backers that also have an errored pledge, and you'll have 7 days to remedy the issue if needed. You should know if you're one of these backers as Kickstarter should have sent you an email about this! Following the next couple of days, I will reach out to any outstanding backers with an errored pledge in case the Kickstarter email was missed. If for any reason you cannot fix your pledge but would still like the reward(s) you pledged for, I can also make a custom listing for you in my shop honouring any early bird deals. You are also free to place an order there to combine shipping with your Kickstarter reward (please just include a note at the checkout with backer number and make sure the name and shipping address match both orders for easy combining!)

Backerkit will allow you to make additional add-ons to your pledge at the time of the survey if you missed something during the Kickstarter project period. Shipping costs will also be collected at this time.

Refunds can no longer be issued at this point, as all funds will be used to put all the items into production. In case of an emergency, please contact me and we can work something out.

If you have any questions or concerns following this Kickstarter, please send me a message here on Kickstarter, or email me at [email protected]. I will generally get back to you within 48 hours!



Last Day!
about 1 year ago – Wed, Mar 01, 2023 at 01:39:25 PM

Hi everyone,

There is just one day left for the Kickstarter - so if you want to make any changes to your pledge, now is the time! You can still make more add-ons after the project is over, as I will be using Backerkit for fulfillment. More details will come following the end of the campaign on how to select the items you've pledged for and what to expect during the fulfillment process.

That being said, we will only be unlocking up until what is achieved on Kickstarter (right now, everything up until the lanyards are unlocked, and we are $17 CAD away from unlocking the chopsticks pin!) This is because Backerkit operates more as a store, and I won't be able to add additional listings once surveys are completed.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to leave a comment below or message privately here on Kickstarter.



Scrunchies and Lanyards Unlocked!
about 1 year ago – Sat, Feb 25, 2023 at 10:29:49 PM

Hi everyone! With just four days left, the scrunchies and lanyards have now been unlocked. We are now working our way to the final goals - the chopstick pin which unlocks at $4980 CAD. At $6000 CAD, this pin will be a freebie for all backers pledging over $50 CAD before shipping.

I'm hoping for the last few days we can reach these goals and get them made too. As a reminder, prices on Kickstarter will be cheaper than when they eventually hit the shop once everything is in hand!



Washitape Design Update
about 1 year ago – Mon, Feb 20, 2023 at 04:20:48 PM

Hi everyone! There has been a slight update to the previous washi tape design I posted. The manufacturer I'm working with only allows for up to 7 repeating images, so I had to remove one (the chopsticks). 

I hope you guys don't mind the change too much! You're still free to edit your pledge until the end of the campaign. The length of the washitape will stay the same, the images will just repeat more as there is one less unique design!

- Xiumai

Sweaters Unlocked!
about 1 year ago – Sat, Feb 18, 2023 at 02:21:52 AM

Hi everyone! We've just reached the goal for the sweaters and we're on our way to unlocking the scrunchies next.

Both colourways for the scrunchies will unlock at $4710 CAD (currently $75 away!) There is still a little over a week left for the Kickstarter, so I'm hoping we can get everything unlocked 💖
